Organizing Jewelry

by | Dec 7, 2009 | Accessories, Closet Organization | 2 comments

I loved receiving all your feedback and suggestions about organizing accessories. I decided to start with Jewelry. First stop: The Container Store. They were extremely helpful and I decided to go with the acrylic necklace and bracelet holders. I also purchased a divider that fit in the drawer for earrings and rings. The tins may look familiar to some of you as they are included whenever you make a Brighton purchase. I’ve had a hard time throwing these away over the years, and they’re collecting dust in my storage closet. I’m the type of person that needs to try a system before giving it the “thumbs up”. I keep all receipts because there may be something better at another store!  Next stop: IKEA for comparison shopping on jewelry accessories and solutions for scarves and organization inside drawers. One disadvantage of my new system– I’ve set myself up for comments from my husband about my excessive amounts of jewlery! It wasn’t quite so visible in the drawers. (Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.) What is your challenge in accessory organization? Coming Soon: Organizing Makeup, Scarves and Drawers.

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