Behind the Scenes of TV Appearance

by | Apr 5, 2018 | Miscellaneous | 2 comments

Well, never in a million years did I think I’d be doing a fashion segment on local television! I’m sure many of you are very curious how this came about.

I created a short video to explain to potential clients that it’s NOT just about buying more each season or purging your closet. You need a plan BEFORE you shop. I understood many see me as a “personal shopper” because we met in a retail store. I often didn’t talk about the business I started years before.

A former customer and local news anchor liked the video and sent it on to a colleague. I was asked to appear on the show for a 3-4 minute segment. They requested ideas with bullet points and they chose “The Closet Plan for Spring”. We set a date, I got the details and started preparing.

I arrived at the studio at 10 am and hauled in some clothes on a mini clothing rack (good purchase from Amazon) to duplicate a section of my closet.

After a short time of waiting in the lobby, I was escorted to the set. I was alone here for a bit and snapped these pictures. I remember thinking… “Ok this is getting real now!”

Initially I was under the impression I would be doing a “run through” at 10:15. The next thing I knew, I was getting a microphone clipped on me and told: “You’re up first. Cathy and Ashley will be interviewing you.”

Cathy and Ashley came over to introduce themselves. They were dressed in red and orange. It was funny–we all coordinated unintentionally. Ashely said, “You look great!” (Nice to hear after much outfit debate) They asked how to pronounce my name, and took the table away I was hoping to hide behind. (I had seen a number of segments where they all stood behind the table)

Cathy told me to face my body toward the camera, but still look at them and try not to turn. That is really hard. In the end, I was almost completely turned sideways.

They had THREE bullet points on their notecards which speaks to their professionalism. They go from one segment to the next with very little prep.

It was over so fast. Cathy and Ashley moved over to the sofa and were on to the next guest. I was whisked out of the studio, packed up and drove home. I waited nervously for the show to air. I have to say it is a little unreal watching yourself on TV! I was not prepared to see the close-ups on our big screen. LOL!

Here’s the original plan:

Save time/money: Evaluate and organize BEFORE you shop. Create a plan before you hit the stores—avoid shopping mistakes. Simplify your wardrobe and routine.
-transition into spring can be challenging. Women are either enticed by all the bright colors or frustrated to try and figure out a new season.
We all tend to shop without a plan which leads to overbuying, rebuying similar pieces.
In the show I changed the opening because I wanted to emphasize that when I worked on my own in women’s homes I helped them create a plan BEFORE the closet and shopping. Working retail was the opposite in that women came in without a good idea of what was in their closets at home, where they had gaps and what they needed for the season.
1. Evaluate what you wear for 2 weeks—pics or list. Tells you WHAT YOU NEED CLOTHING FOR. If not wearing jackets as much—don‘t buy more. If going to the gym 2x a week, pare down umpteen gym clothes you may have etc.
2. If time, take everything out of closet and evaluate/try on: Does it fit/flatter, do you love or can you leave it/ worn out? A. Donate. B. Consign C. Throw away
Busy women often don’t finish the task –get frustrated, overpurge—nothing to wear.
3. If no time or never purged before? I recommend instead of sorting by color, sort by category and color within the category—allows you to see redundancy (6 white sweaters, 4 similar blue tops etc) and where the gaps are (not enough black pants) Allows a natural purging process/eliminate redundancy.
4. Sorting by category helps you see at a glance what you need when seasons change. You won’t have to spend a day organizing your closet-you will be able to evaluate quickly. Categorizing also allows you to build your outfits quickly when getting ready.

And here is the final version we did!

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