What to Wear: I Work at Home!

by | Feb 8, 2011 | Fashion Tips | 5 comments

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Do you work at home? Let me clarify. Working at home encompasses several options:

1. your place of employment allows you to work from a home office rather than be on site. 

2. You run a  home based business

3. You are not officially employed outside the home, but keep plenty busy with all the activities involved in being a domestic engineer!

Do you really need to dress up when few people outside your family see you throughout the day? There are days you could be at the computer and on the phone most of the time. You’re cooking, cleaning or running kids. You meet a potential client for coffee. You attend a committee meeting for church, school or sports organization.

As a woman who has been in most of those roles, I think I’ve covered all the bases. I know all to well the challenges you face. I can relate to being distracted, losing focus and bouncing from one activity to the other at home. When I first transitioned from a full-time job outside the home to working at home, I am the first to admit that my husband had the right to say, “And what exactly did you do today?” (he has now learned NEVER to say that again!)

For years I drove my kids to school in the morning. Now I wasn’t always looking my finest when dropping off kids. But I was semi-presentable and didn’t wear PJs. What if I got a flat tire or got in an accident?’ I often dropped them off and went to the gym. After returning home I’d quick check my e-mail… Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

I got in a really bad habit last year when both boys were at the same school. My oldest drove and my “taxi service” got a break. I found it easier and easier to stay in my pajamas. I’ve pretended to not be at home when the door bell rang. If you have a new baby, there are days you may not get in the shower until 2:00. Can you relate?

Since I spend so much time on the computer, I’m designating Monday as my writing day (OK, I’m starting next week) I will get completely ready and be out the door early to work at a local coffee shop. There is something about being away from all the things to do at home that will keep me focused. Frankly, I get tired of my home office and need to be where people are, even if they are strangers. One of the things I miss most about working full time is the friendships I had with co-workers. Working at home can be lonely!

You’ve heard it before, you’ll hear it again right here. Get up, get in the shower, get dressed for the day as though you were going to work outside the home. You will feel better, you won’t scare the neighbor who comes to the door AND you’ll be much more productive.

And what to wear when you are home? You can still be comfortable and look great. You can show your shape, hide your flaws, feel polished and presentable not being “dressed up”. 

Baggy sweatshirts, sweatpants and PJs are only allowed for lounging on the couch later at night.

It’s been a while since I did a layout. In the next couple of weeks you will see all casual layouts with outfits to run errands, go to games, meetings etc. Check out ATHLETA. I love their fitted jackets. They have great comfortable options in pants and tops. And they’re affordable.

Do you work at home? Do you have any challenges I didn’t mention? What do you wear if most of your week is spent at home?