Weight Loss: The Ongoing Battle

by | Feb 23, 2011 | Diet and Exercise | 6 comments

When I wrote about the Personal Training Giveaway, I mentioned a series on Weight Loss. I also admitted I’ve been avoiding this topic. 

One evening at the dinner table last fall, my son announced they were discussing dieting in Health Class all week. He likes to participate in class discussion. I could only imagine what he said.

Tell me you didn’t raise your hand and say, “My mom has tried every diet out there!” 

“No, I didn’t say that,” he replied. “But some other kid did!” I knew better.

“Ok, it WAS me.” he admitted.

My family has endured a number of my diets over the last years. You may look at pictures here on the blog and think…”Well, she’s not a size 0, but why is she always dieting?” Most of my life I never had to diet and could eat anything I wanted. I didn’t gain much weight with my kids and I lost it quickly both times. The second time was a little harder and I had to exercise a bit (what a concept). Then things started to change.

I’ve tried Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig, LA Weight Loss, Weight Watchers, Fat Flush Plan, Advocare, and some diet with pills that contained ephedrine before it was banned. Oh, and don’t let me forget the Lemonade Diet (cleanse) I’ve counted calories, grams of fiber and carbs. I’ve gone gluten free. I went through the step aerobics phase, worked with personal trainers, took up jogging, tried Pilates and spinning. Extensive reading on the weight loss topic only added to my frustration at times.

Most people tell me I look fine. The bottom line: I’ve learned to hide it well over the years. It honestly is one of the reasons I knew I would be a good stylist. I’m a master at hiding the flaws-especially around the middle. Please let me emphasize that I’m not trying to get back to High School or College weight. I’ve even given up weighing what I did before I had children. I have a goal that is a healthy weight for my height and AGE (this matters now). I honestly would be more than happy at this weight, but I’m a good 25 lbs away.

Before I share any more about my own medical journey, let’s talk about you.

Every woman I know wants to lose weight. It’s estimated that only 1% of women are happy with their bodies. I have very thin women come into the boutique where I work and complain about their “muffin top” and the fact that they can pinch a half inch of fat around their middle. Instead of singing the blues about myself, I validate their concerns by saying that I understand. While I might not be relating on the very same level,  almost EVERY WOMAN compares herself to how she USED to be. It’s very easy to get stuck on that. The woman that has only 5 pounds to lose or whose rock hard abs aren’t quite the same is just as upset and frustrated as those of us who have to lose 20 pounds or more. It’s all relative to your individual situation.

The next time your very thin friend complains about her weight, I want you to listen and understand. Those few pounds are just as irritating to her as your 20 are to you. By the same token, if you are the woman complaining about an extra inch around your middle to the woman who has 50+ to lose, choose your words carefully.

It may be difficult to share your own personal struggles with weight in a blog comment, but I welcome them if you are willing to share. There is more coming on this topic. If there is an area you’d like me to cover, let me know.