Weight Loss: Changes I’ve Made

by | Mar 22, 2011 | Diet and Exercise, Uncategorized | 1 comment

If you are new reader, this is Part 3 in an ongoing series on Weight Loss. I incorporate a post on this every so often to sprinkle it in between all the fashion. When I wrote about my struggle with Insulin Resistance, I did not elaborate on the changes I have made.

Re-reading  my article, I realized I  almost gave the impression that I haven’t made any changes and that I was in complete denial. Then I thought…Wait a minute. I have made many changes! I just still have a long ways to go. If  you feel your body reacts to carbs, you may try some of these suggestions. Many also apply to general health–not just for insulin resistance.

1. I do not eat Pasta. I love it, but it’s a rare occasion. Whole wheat/grain is much better because of higher fiber content, but still carb loaded. I can’t give up potatoes completely, but try to limit now to just a couple of times a week. This is really hard. Mashed potatoes are a comfort food for me.

2. Sweet alcoholic drinks are in my past. I can’t recall the last time I had a margarita. I’ve learned to like a good Bloody Mary. A glass of wine or an occasional beer is a treat now. The best choice by far is NO alcohol.

3. Diet soda is an occasional splurge. I drink sparkling water or club soda with lemon/lime. Sometimes I just crave a diet Coke and give in. Obviously no sugar issue here. I’ve just read SO much about soda and artificial sweeteners that I know it’s time to eliminate that from my diet.

4. Walking is not a tough enough workout for me to see a difference unless I vary the incline (and wouldn’t you know it that capability broke on my treadmill) I need cardio that works up a sweat.

5. No white bread. I cheat occasionally at a restaurant because that bread basket is so darn tempting and my boys love it. How do I tell them NOT to bring it?

6. No fruit juices. I craved orange and grape juice when pregnant and I still love it, but I’ve cut it out completely.

7. One of my favorite breakfasts is plain Cheerios with fresh fruit. Pure carbs. No protein. Not a good choice anymore even if the hype is all about whole grain.

8. I drink hot lemon water. It’s soothing and a natural diuretic. I still love a cup of coffee or a skinny vanilla latte, but I’m trying to keep in natural. It’s great on a cold morning or evening.

9. Increased protein. I use a High protein powder for shakes with Greek yogurt that also has a high protein/low carb count. The yogurt with a touch of fruit mixed in is also a great way to fix a sweet craving.

10. When going out to eat,  I look at the websites for nutrition details to make the best choices.

More Changes I need to Make.

1. Potatoes with evening meal 1-2 times a week only. Ask for more vegetables instead of potatoes in restaurants.

2. Say NO to the chips at a Mexican Restaurant

3.  Sweets & chips that are a weakness cannot be in the house. We now buy BBQ chips or Cool Ranch Doritoes. I don’t like those at all. Teenage snack food for the most part is not appealing to me. However, when my husband buys regular potato chips or frosted sugar cookies at the store I could crown him!

3. I still love milk chocolate over dark chocolate. I really shouldn’t have either.

4. Say NO to dessert. A couple bites only makes me want more.

5. When cooking/baking something for a special event give most of it away. My family doesn’t eat it fast enough and I will.

There you have it. Even implementing a few of these changes might make a big difference for you. Any thing you’ve tried that really has made a difference for you?