The Wrinkled Look

by | May 8, 2012 | Fashion trends | 0 comments

I’m still here! If you have Style by Karen in your favorites, and don’t subscribe (I do the same thing for some blogs) you may be wondering if I was ever going to post again! I realize that it can be annoying to check back every so often and see the same old post. I encourage you to subscribe so it comes directly to your e-mail. I post just 1-2 times a week so your inbox will not become too full.

The truth of the matter is, I’ve been having a few technical difficulties. I’ve come to the realization that my laptop computer is on it’s last leg. It is a “dinosaur” by tech wizard standards. You know–the larger heavy type that weighs several pounds? Purchased in 2006, it has served me well over the years. However, it takes me 3 times longer to write a post with a lot of freezing up and re-booting along the way. Adding photos–another problem. I definitely see an I-pad with keyboard in my future.

Then to top things off, my trusty, speedy desk top computer had a nasty virus despite my anti-virus software. We’re back on track now–hopefully!

I received some great feedback from the last accessories post. I’m so glad it was a helpful system. Just remember–it is a GUIDELINE, not your accessories Bible. Make it work for you, but do not become obsessed with the points. I had some good questions about LARGE EARRINGS & GLASSES. It is very difficult for me to make a call on that one without seeing the whole outfit put together. It’s a judgement call. In fact, I probably take more time deciding on the balance of accessories than what clothes I’m going to wear. I certainly think at times you can combine large earrings if you wear glasses. Balance!

I also was reminded that hair accessories should have been included. So true. THANK YOU readers!

On to the topic for today: LINEN

Working retail, every single day I hear: “Oh, I don’t want linen. I hate to iron and it gets too wrinkled!”

What most women don’t realize is that the new look for many linen casual pieces is now slightly wrinkled! Say goodbye to the perfectly pressed linen of years past. I recall a linen sheath dress I bought just ten years ago for a wedding. It was supposed to be perfectly pressed. However, just a few minutes of sitting and that look was gone! Linen was a frustrating fabric to wear.

Here are some examples from

There are still many dress linen pieces that may require the pressed look. Many are linen blends which helps decrease the wrinkles!

What do you think? Will you give the new casual linen a try?