Reader Questions

by | Nov 16, 2010 | Fashion trends | 7 comments

I often get reader/client questions and I thought I’d would group them into one post.

Question #1

Do you always dry clean when the label specifies that? What about Hand Wash Only?

Karen says…I “fudge” on the hand washing all the time by putting my hand washable pieces in the washer in a mesh bag (same one you use for lingerie) I select the Hand Wash cycle which is low to no spin. Then I lay flat to dry and hang dry the rest of the way depending on the item

Dry Clean: To me it depends on the weight of the item and the fabric content. I think the question I received was really dealing with lightweight tops or those with embellishments. Again, mesh bag, hand wash cycle. Some of the manufacturers are protecting themselves with the dry clean label as the washer might be ok, but they are worried people will throw in the dryer. Rayon or silk tops will be a disaster in the dryer. For the most part, I almost always follow the dry cleaning instructions and stay pretty true to that.

What about you? Do you break the rules on label care?

Question #2

Is it still in fashion to wear capri pants with boots?

Karen Says…I consulted with the founder of HOLOBI, the company where I received training and another stylist friend for this answer. We all concurred. It certainly is not completely outdated to wear this look. The trend became popular in about 2005-06. I loved it and had a couple of pairs of tweed and cuffed capris. However, it is not a current look, and you do not see it in the stores or in magazines. Now you see a slimmer pant often worn tucked in boots. If you have capris that lend themselves to be worn in the fall–go for it. It’s important that the weight of the fabric is heavier and says “fall”. This isn’t the time to wear your summer weight black capris just because they go with black boots. Make sure you are wearing a longer capri–almost ankle length. This will be more flattering and elongate the leg rather than the wider leg, cuffed pant that hits mid-calf. Couple them with black or very dark brown boot and you can still pull it off!

Question #3

What about leggings on a woman over 40?

Karen Says…I still stand by all the information I shared in my post on leggings a number of months ago. Since then, I’ve been observing. Certainly I’m not taking any photos and blacking out the faces so I have my own version of “Glamour Dont’s”. I will say this: NOT every trend is for EVERY woman! Unless you are really comfortable with your legs from the knee UP, I don’t think you are going to want to show that much of your leg. My personal rules for leggings: 1. Thick fabric 2. Long tunic or sweater that provides maximum coverage. 3. Always wear with boots. That’s my advice, and I believe that’s how many women over 40 will feel comfortable wearing them.

You will see another version and I consider the leggings in the photos to be more of a heavy tight–not pants. Below, this version is shown with shorter dresses/long tunic and heels or ballet flats. Sometimes the leggings will come just below the knee, others all the way to the ankle. I have not tried leggings without a boot. I love it with a killer heel or ballet flat and I can’t wear either. Also, as you can see the dress or tunic is a little shorter. I’m Ok with  my legs from about three inches above the knee on DOWN. I really like the outfits in the photos and I believe it can work for many women. I love it when I see this version on others. To sum up my advice. Start wearing leggings with boots and long sweaters. Then branch out from there depending on what you feel comfortable doing. I’d love to hear. Have you tried leggings?