Finding the Perfect Fit

by | Sep 23, 2011 | Workshops | 3 comments

Is it really possible to find the perfect fit in the store without a little tweaking? Yes, for some people it is. Yet, for others it is nearly impossible. This can lead to a high degree of shopping frustration! Perhaps you are short waisted, have long arms or small shoulders. Many women are ready to throw up their arms in despair when they try piece after piece.

Despite several semesters in High School Home Economics, I do not enjoy sewing. The things I did learn back in the day have not really applied to helping women find their fit with alterations. I have had to “pick the brain” of several seamstresses. I want to help my clients learn how alterations can change the way things fit and therefore affect their shopping.

I would dare say that many clothing items make their way to the consignment or donate pile because of improper fit. My purpose in helping women with fit is two-fold:

1. I teach them to choose proper fitting garments in the store. I encourage all of you to take the time to observe others wearing clothes that fit. If you are not sure if something fits well in the store-get help!

2. I teach women NOT to rule out a garment that is not a perfect fit–especially if it is a flattering color, great price and fits well most places.

How do you know if it is just going to be a little tweak or a major alteration? You must ask questions.

If you are shopping in a department store with an alterations department, ask the sales associate to call alterations. They will be a tremendous help by telling you if that particular alteration can be done and give you an estimate. Then consider the total price of the garment and your CPW. Alterations can eliminate fit problems you’ve been frustated with for years.

Once you start working with an alteration specialist, you will soon develop an “alterations mindset” which will influence your shopping. Instead of throwing it on the “NO” pile, an item may become a possibility.

Before I met CJ of Fit-to-You Clothing Alterations, the most I had done with altering was a hem in a pair of jeans. I suffered through wearing many pieces that were too long in the arms because altering just seemed too expensive or too much hassle. Now I shop with alterations on the brain. I understand that a tweak here or there can make such a difference. I’m proud to say I have a NEW attitude–an “alterations attitude”.

I’ve been fortunate to find someone just minutes from my house. Despite that convenience, I sometimes just don’t get around to it. (a complaint I hear from many) I try to accumulate a few things to take at once. If you are a local reader, you’re in for a treat.

CJ and I are team teaching a workshop on Finding your Perfect Fit. Be sure and click on that link to get all the details and to pre-register. If sharing with someone, you will find it under the WORKSHOP tab at

Not local? Here are some tips to help you with your alterations needs:

1. Search online for anything local. Even Craig’s List might be helpful in your area.

2. Ask the sales associates at the stores you shop. They may know someone. Small boutiques may have a contact for you because often seamstresses will leave their cards at these shops

3. Ask your friends! Alterations may not have come up in everyday conversation. You never know until you ask!

Will you give alterations some thought for things in your wardrobe?