Dieting: My Top 10 Tips

by | Jun 8, 2011 | Diet and Exercise | 13 comments

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Over the past few months I’ve shared some posts on Weight Loss and Diet. I’m wrapping it up this week  with the following post and then I’ll have my walking playlist and a Zumba Giveaway! Recently I just tried Barre 3 and I’m excited to share that with you at a later date.


1. Men lose weight much faster with much less effort. It’s just the way it is. We need to get over it and stop beating ourselves up when comparing.

2. Accountability to a coach/consultant and a work out partner will make a huge difference in your success

3. Keeping a food journal will allow you to REALLY see what you eat.

4. Make your own sample menus rather than copy directly out of a book. Include what you LIKE and what you will EAT rather than what someone else likes. Include calories, fat, carbs, protein for each choice. Make your list or menu on the weekend before grocery shopping so you will have what you need in the house.

5. There seems to be more and more written about diets every year. Don’t jump on every band wagon. Read with discernment.

6. Listen to your own body and don’t give up even when medical professionals tell you there is nothing wrong.

7. The bottom line: Meat (protein), vegetables and fruit should be the mainstay of our diets. When we stray away from that, we get into trouble. The shelves in our stores are full of temptations.

8. Make meals ahead on the weekend of possible. Also prepare healthy snacks that are easy to grab.

9. What works for your friend will not necessarily work for you!

10. When you gain a few pounds from a special trip, weekend, party etc. Get right back to eating well so that 5 pounds doesn’t turn into 10 and then 15 and then completely get away from you.

This is only ten. What is the best tip you could share?