Color: The Eyes Have It!

by | Apr 10, 2010 | Color, Fashion Tips | 5 comments

 COLOR! One way to give your wardrobe some new life is to add colors you do not typically wear. Most of us are drawn to certain colors because they make us feel good, and we’re pretty sure we look great in them. Many women have VERY strong ideas about colors they will and will NOT wear. Many times our natural instincts are correct, other times way off base. The right colors are important for your overall look. The wrong colors can cause you to look tired, cast shadows on your skin, wash you out or even overpower you. This video from the women who write Fabulous after 40 reinforces some of the same philosophy I have on color.

Years ago color analysis focused on putting women in one of 4 categories: Winter, Summer Spring and Fall. Perhaps you were classified in one of these categories OR you heard others going around saying…”I’m a spring!” We were draped with large pieces of fabric trying to determine our best shades and given small swatches to take shopping. For years I thought I was wearing the correct colors for my hair and skin tones. Imagine my surprise when during color analysis training I learned I was NOT a Winter who could wear bold, dramatic, and cool colors. I do not favor the cool side of the color wheel at all! Color analysis has changed in that we do not “box” people into one of four categories. Instead we give a personal palette based on the tones in your hair, skin and eyes. Most women will favor one side of the color wheel (warm or cool) but can wear some shades from both.  

It’s all in the eyes!

 Take a close look at your eyes in the mirror. This is fascinating. Typically the main color–the iris is the one seen by others. Next, look at the rim going around the iris. It is probably a darker version, or it can be a completely different color. The photos below show some very interesting eye colors. You will be amazed at the mix of colors found in eyes! Even in blue eyes you will find flecks of brown, amber, gold and taupe. One minute blue eyes can look blue, the next time green. Brown eyes often have green, gold, and a variety of shades of brown.

Up until 3 years ago I wore  brown contacts which caused my eyes to look very dark. Even as a young child before contacts, my eyes seem darker in photos. I swear they changed, but I cannot find any research to document why eye color could change!  As you can see below, there are many warm colors in my eyes and lots of of gold. The rim going around my eyes is green(this is hard to see in the photo). Notice how the colors I’m wearing in the photo complement my hair, skin and eyes rather than competing or “fighting” my natural coloring. The colors brighten my face, yet do not overpower. The colors in the scarf bring out some of the same gold and green in my eyes.


 More on color coming next week in Part 2. Take a close-up look at your eyes. Were you suprised at what you saw?