How to Step Up Your Self-Care Routine

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Clean Beauty, health and beauty | 0 comments

We are now into several (I think 5) weeks of our nation wide “State-at-Home” order. If you are working on the front lines or an essential employee, you likely have no time to read this. We appreciate you!

If you are working from home, perhaps the time saved commuting and now dressing more casually will help you carve out a little time for SELF-CARE! In fact the articles and statistics are showing a rise in self care! That is because it makes us feel good! I’ve even told my skincare customers to treat their face during the day the same way they would at night. Why not? If you are not going anywhere let your skin absorb all the goodness during the day too– especially if you are going make up free.

I’ve always loved skincare, hair products and makeup. Bring it on–the more the better. However, I’ve realized in the last few years after delving into Clean Beauty, that just as our personal style is widely varied, so is our skincare and makeup routines. Many women are just like me, some prefer a very minimal routine, and then there are all sorts in between!

Wherever you are at, I hope you will take the downtime if you have it and do some self care.

Here is a video I created to show some ways to give your hands and feet a little TLC.

Your hands will feel fantastic after this treatment. It was such a game changer for me! Here I’ve been slathering moisturizer all over my hands, but forgot how important it was to exfoliate first (just like your face) so the products are better absorbed.

To get started, you need some type of body or facial scrub, a facial cleanser and moisturizer. I even found the spa white gloves I mentioned.

Since I’m a firm believer in clean ingredients, here are some of the products I used.




Overnight Facial Oil

I love this combo set which makes a great gift as well. Think Mother’s Day, Teachers or Grads!

If you are interested in more “At-home” spa ideas I invite you to join my Facebook Group

It is a closed, private group and I welcome you if you’d like to know more about Clean Beauty.

Stay safe and well everyone. Practice your self care–good sleep, exercise, drink your water, take your supplements and do your skincare routine!