A Mother’s Day Tribute

by | May 8, 2010 | Family, Fashion trends | 17 comments

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms! I hope you enjoy a day of pampering. My boys are growing up and sometimes I feel like they do not need me quite as much anymore. However, there are times when mom still saves the day. (reminders, schedules, money!)  Being a mom is a tough but rewarding job. Whether your children are young or all grown up, give yourself credit for a job well done and enjoy this day!

This post is a tribute to my own mother. My mom passed away suddenly when I was in college. I was 20. Sadly, this was several years before I met my husband and had a family. I always wished they had the opportunity to know her. My husband has heard so many family stories that one time he said to me,”That sounds like something your mom would say!”  There is remarkable power in a story since obviously he had never met her. And you know what–he was right on. Can any of you relate to sounding/acting like your mother?

When I started my new business and blog, my oldest sister made an interesting comment, “Mom would have been proud of you.” I had to laugh a little because we both knew that my mom was not a “fashion plate” in any way. She was actually kind of a tomboy. Mom liked to be outside and played fast-pitch softball. In fact she played well into her thirties when she had three small children. My parents owned a dairy farm and started out in 1941. Life was tough, money was tight and they worked very hard. Fashion was not a focus in her life. She was fortunate to have a dress to wear to church. My siblings and I had a frugal upbringing. Of course, being the youngest of five, I was spoiled. (so I’m told) Still, it was never easy convincing my mom to buy me clothes. She always thought I had enough, and I always wanted more! My sister and I are pretty sure that our love for fashion is a direct result of not having a large selection of clothes when we were young. If you have been reading for several months, you’ve seen I have an eye for nice things. However, I do have a very practical side when it comes to prices, amount of clothing needed, making WISE choices and now consignment. All of this stems back to how I was brought up.

Since I started working one/one with women, thoughts of my own mother have come up frequently. My mom did not have a lot of confidence with dressing . She didn’t really have a knack of putting things together for herself, yet loved to pick out suits & ties for my dad. I was born when she was 42. Can you imagine? Today this is common, but in that day and age-not so much! When I hit my forties, I realized how difficult that must have been. I always remember my mom saying if others asked, “she keeps us young!” When it came to dressing though, she lost her shape. Losing weight after 40 is just not easy. There were not personal trainers, diet books or designs that camouflaged your middle. I now can completely relate to her struggles. 

Shortly before she died, my mom and I went on a shopping trip with my aunt and a friend. Living in a small town in the Northwest corner of Washington, the stores were not plentiful. A trip to Seattle was a treat. Keep in mind: My mom HATED shopping. A day in a mall was NOT her idea of a good time. But something happened. She had fun. She found clothes (even boots) that looked great. Looking back and knowing what I know now, I believe that a few flattering outfits helped raise her confidence to a new level.

Today I meet women just like my mom who may not have the confidence in dressing, hate shopping and putting things together. A common pattern among women is to take attention away from themselves and focus on their families. They give time and spend money on someone else, but rarely on themselves. I encourage you to change that pattern and take time for yourself.

Although we did not share the love of fashion, my mom was a role model in so many other ways that helped me become who I am today. For that I’m grateful. 

I wanted to share some photos of my mom over the years. I love looking at old photos and thought you would enjoy the nostalgia AND styles.

This is my Mom & Dad’s wedding photo in 1941. (you will be able to see that it’s not a typical wedding dress. Scroll down to see it on me 40 years later!)

This is about 1946 I believe and she is holding one of my brothers as a baby. Such typical 40’s fashion.

My mom from one of the team photos. If you’ve ever seen the movie “League of Their Own” there were some similarities except that it was fast-pitch softball and not baseball. They were a very good team. It was something she took a lot of pride in even years later when she told the stories.

I came along in 1961.

There are few photos of the two of us in later years. Below is a photo at my parent’s 40th anniversary the year before she died. The photos in the 80s do not preserve as well as the older black and whites.

I’m wearing her wedding dress and pearls! It fit me perfectly at age 20 about the same age my mom was when they were married.(For a short time in the Forties and Fifties, some women wore suits or dresses that were not the typical wedding white.) I love these photos and am so happy for the memories!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!